My Zoyas came in on Tuesday, I just have to say they shipped to me super fast! 2 days after getting the shipping confirmation.
So these are my first ever Zoya polishes, pretty excited to try them. I picked Anastasia because even just in the bottle I could see the fantastic other worldly gold shimmer. I think the formula is thicker than I expected, but it didn't cause any trouble. I really like the brush it covered a lot of nail, and the bottle is cute!
This is 3 coats with Seche Vite, all I can do is stare at the amazing shimmer on this! In average light the base looks almost dark burgundy with a red and gold shimmer. Sometimes it looks like milk chocolate with red shimmer, and in bright lighting it's a light purple base with tons of gold shimmer. Occasionally you see a fleck of green and blue mixed in there, this is really mesmerizing. I am so thrilled at my choice :)
Sadly my second bottle is Zoya Envy, I chose colors I normally wouldn't pick (no pinks lol) and I had no idea it was nearly identical to Here Today... Aragon Tomorrow. Envy is just slightly more olive green than HTAT, and of course the big difference is it's a creme. The shimmer in HTAT is so subtle that unless I jam my nails in front of your face you would never tell the finish difference. I really wanted Indigo too, sat there for a while debating between the two, woe is me! ;)
So anyways, I can't say they are dupes because one is a creme and the other a shimmer, but very close! Edit: I love Envy don't get me wrong, 2 perfect coats made it opaque.
So these are my first ever Zoya polishes, pretty excited to try them. I picked Anastasia because even just in the bottle I could see the fantastic other worldly gold shimmer. I think the formula is thicker than I expected, but it didn't cause any trouble. I really like the brush it covered a lot of nail, and the bottle is cute!

So anyways, I can't say they are dupes because one is a creme and the other a shimmer, but very close! Edit: I love Envy don't get me wrong, 2 perfect coats made it opaque.
I love the shape and length of your nails!
ReplyDeleteI think that Anastasia is one of the most beautiful Zoyas made. It really is mesmerizing.
ReplyDeletei need,i want i musttt haveeee Anastasia,kae i think u could make the ugliest colour look amazing lol ur nailz are just gorjuz
ReplyDeleteOooO! I love Anastasia! It's gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteOh thanks Kae, I love zoyas (although I only own a couple so far) and I didn't know about Anastasia but this is really an amazing shade, I can understand by looking at the pictures why you say it's mesmerizing :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much :)
I totally agree, I am in looooooove!
Aww thank you ^^*
Thank you!
I have one more to try but so far I really like them. I can see my Zoya collection growing in the near future lol.
Thanks for comapring the two. I think I'll pass on Envy, since I just bought Here Today....Aragon Tomorrow. I noticed that Gussied Up Green looks very close to HTAT in the bottles. So I'm curious to compare them. But I'm loving the purple gold Zoya. Looks great on you.
ReplyDeleteThat Anastasia color is soooo pretty, the green is really nice also. Love these photos, your nails are always so pretty but they look even more amazing lately!
ReplyDeleteYeah no point in owning both =x. I totally missed your last couple of updates! I would love to see your Gussied up with HTAT! /off to comment of your blog :D
I couldn't agree more, I def want to try some others!
Haha, I recently have been using a proper base coat (Seche Base or Posh), taking my daily 5mg of biotin my nails grow like grass, and finally I think I got better at cropping my photos so you see less pasty hand action (^^;) Thank you
I honestly can't tell a difference between the two. I bet that does suck picking a close enough color to be a dupe!!
ReplyDeleteWow!!! Sooo beautiful!!! I just love the green one.
ReplyDeletekisses from Brazil!! \o/
Anastasia is gorgeous! I also can't believe how close HTAT and Envy are! They are a very pretty color though!
ReplyDeleteOMG! I just ordered Anastasia as part of my zoya free three, but I couldn't find many swatches of it. I can't wait for my package to arrive now! Thank you so much. :-)
ReplyDeleteyou picked 2 great choices. You know I picked Kylie2 when doing the zoya exchange a little while back and it is a def dupe to OPI's cajun shrimp. I was disappointed that I picked a color like one I already had. :-( That's ok though. I can't wait to get my new 3 colors. lol
ReplyDeleteKae! You seriously make any nail polish look good! After viewing your posts, I literally want to go out and buy all the polishes I see! :P Too bad I can't paint my nails like you've got such a steady hand! Just curious, out of all the polishes you have...which one is your favorite? or what is your favorite design to do if you had to pick just 1. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post, love both colors on you! Thanks for comparing the two greens haha I obviously do not need both after seeing this.
ReplyDeleteI have a really boring job at my college campus and when its slow... its slow.
ReplyDeleteLuckily, your blog saved me! I just went through all of your posts. Beautiful! you have inspired me to try some designs and to keep practicing with my konad.
Do u recommend the seche top and base? I think i saw that u were able to find it at Target. Yeah i am visiting Target this weekend for sure!! I hope mine has it!
So far my orly base works pretty good... At first i hated it! But after reading the directions and applying two coats, it seems to hold up much better now.
Love your blog!
MMM, Kae that Anastasia is gorgeous. I wish I had gotten that instead of Helen, as I hate it on my nails, it's just too nude of a nude! Haha. I wanted to pick something more sedate though, it just didn't work out for me. I guess I'll find someone to give it to! ;) It's so pretty on you!
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm glad those two greens are almost dupes - because of you, I just picked up HTAT TODAY! ;)
I love both your choices! I *hate* those dupes/near-dupes, though, when you had to forgo another color!
ReplyDeleteOh Kae! I was lemming Anastasia after looking at a review by Stefanie at The Lip Print, but I just saw the colour in the bottle now, close up on you I am totally blown away! Beautiful! xx
ReplyDeleteyeah they are so close you can't tell unless under severe scrutiny! I was bummed out but hey I dont' own many greens :D
Thank you :)
Thank you I think so too! I wish I knew envy was that shade of green aaah
Yay, I think you will love it! Hope your package arrives soon.
aww, I feel your pain lol. hope you get your 3 soon :D
lol aww thank you! You can do it too, the more you paint your nails the better you get. Wow which is my favorite huh...
It would have to be OPI Jewel of India, or Malaga Wine (my go-to red of all time)! I definitely like painting abstract designs on my nails, but it's so fun to paint little characters lol!
Thank you, glad I could help lol :D
Thank you, glad you liked it.
I definitely recommend Seche Vite (the topcoat), I've never tried their clear basecoat so I can't speak for that one but I love their ridge filler base (Seche Base). I also have a posh basecoat that I use now and then, but I'm always reaching for seche! I read that cnd sticky and orly bonder is good too!
Thanks again for your nice comment :)
Man isn't it?! I think I'm so hooked on Zoya! I want more haha, thank you :)
Oooooooh I can't wait to see HTAT on you, stat!
Thank you! I've never had this problem before lol it must mean my polish collection is growing!
lol oh well live and learn, maybe something good will come of it!
wow, that's a bummer since you live so close, I was u p early that first day and ordered minutes after the code was out lol so maybe that's why I got mine so fast. Hope you will get yours very soon! :)
yah this shade is a stunner lol, thank you! :) :)
I definitely check yur blog regularly .. I just don't always keep the habit of commenting as well. I really love the shape of your nails - they're gorgeous!!
ReplyDeleteI really love Anastasia!!
Anastasia is the Sugar Plum Fairy. Yes, she is! She must be.
ReplyDeleteI like having near dupes of favorite shades. That way I don't feel I need to buy a back up bottle. It shows self control. hahaha!
ReplyDeleteThanks for checking in often, and for leaving me a nice comment :) Thank you!
That's true, I won't need a backup for HTAT at least!
Thanks for showing that Envy is a near dupe! You saved me from buying HTAT. I could buy something else instead! I had to laugh about shoving your fingers in your face. That Anastasia is gorgeous. I love all the shimmers in it. I've added it to my list of "wants". I wonder does anyone else keep a list of every brand and shade that they want? I hope I'm not the only crazy person.
ReplyDeleteAnastasia is absolutely beautiful. Wow - can't believe I don't have this.
ReplyDeleteSorry about your dupe. It happens to the best of us. List one of them on our swap spot if you don't want to keep them both.
I have a list of what I want but I tend to carry it round in my head rather than writing it down!